vineri, 30 martie 2007

sherly holmes

asa cum a existat odata sherlock holmes, exista si o sherly holmes, a fost botezata acum trei ani de ...tine. same moment of birth.
being sherly holmes is neither nice, nor easy. putting together puzzle pieces u sometimes don't know for sure u want to see. sunt detalii pe care sherly insa le vede mereu. detalii, pe care oamenii le considera insignificante, ei ii sar in ochi atat de tintit precum o sageata de darts, cu ochii in calitate de dart board. sherly sesizeaza tot, observa tot, mai mult sau mai putin voluntar. having a 6th sense is not always easy.
sherly te-a impresionat demult pe tine. poate va impresiona si pe altcineva.
de fapt ar vrea ca deloc, but the way of her being doesn't let her put that magnifying glass away. for pride's sake she can't stop the quest for what she suspects to be the truth.
sherly's been blind too many times to shut her eyes from then on. too many doubts keep running in circles in her mind...

edit: in urma unei discutii am ajuns la concluzia ca we're all some sort of sherly or sherlock, nimeni nu scapa, dar nici nu au toti acelasi "talent"...

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